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The Full Story

The Ottershaw Community Partnership Community Interest Company (CIC)

The Ottershaw Community Partnership CIC is a not-for-profit organisation.  They began running the Ottershaw Mayfair in 2012, which ran successfully for a number of years until Covid came to the UK in 2020.


In 2021, the committee for the Mayfair asked for volunteers to help with the Mayfair 2022 to which just a few answered the call for help.  The committee did not continue planning for 2022.


Other members of the community wanted to celebrate the Queens Jubilee in 2022 and so a new committee was born and the Mayfair revamped as the Ottershaw Jubilee Fete 2022.


Approximately 3000 people attended the fete over the course of the afternoon in 2022 and it was deemed a huge success.  So much so, the committee decided the event would continue each year going forward and would be known as the Ottershaw Village Fete.   


Each year, funds raised during the fete are returned to Ottershaw groups and organisations to improve Ottershaws spaces and places. Please see here for further information on grants.



To provide a fun community event for the benefit of the residents of Ottershaw Village. Any surplus income will be donated to Ottershaw groups and organisations within the community via the grant scheme


To improve our community, spaces and places.

Young Volunteers
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